Valuations are the result of methods, purpose, and time.  Different purposes, and certain jurisdictions, may dictate specific methods.  

Valuations occur in a variety of circumstances including: 

Each of these circumstances contributes to the selection of an appropriate method, each of which is based on some assumptions about the business, its current operations, and the expectation of continued operations.  In valuation, the word assumption has a special meaning; it means the input into a financial model and these assumptions, ideally, are based on supported facts and analysis.  The term does not have the casual meaning of something derived from an unknown basis.  

YBR has a unique pool of expertise to objectively value blockchain based companies, cryptocurrency loss, and oil & gas ventures.  We have proprietary risk models and track significant amounts of industry data;  our risk analysis in these industries is unrivaled.  All of our work is governed by the professional standards and ethics for valuators and analysts as set forth by the National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts (NACVA) and the professional standards and ethics set forth by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE).